رزرو تعیین سطح

Daily Life – What’s your name again

Podcast Level: Elementary
Duration: 11:38

Daily Life - What’s your name again

Daily Life


A: Nick! How’s it going?

B: Oh, hey…

A: What are you doing in this neighbourhood? Doyou live around here?

B: Actually, my office is right around the corner.

A: It was great to meet you last week at the conference. I really enjoyed our conversation about foreign investment.

B: Yeah, yeah, it was really interesting. You know,I’m in a bit of a hurry, but here’s my card. Weshould definitely meet up again and continue ourdiscussion.

A: Sure, you still have my contact details, right ?

B: You know what, this is really embarrassing, butyour name has just slipped my mind. Can youremind me?

A: Sure, my name is Ana Ferris. Don’t worry aboutit; it happens to me all the time. I’m terrible with names too.


Key Vocabulary

how’s it goingphrasehow are you
around herephraseclose to here
around the cornerphraseon the next street
in bit of a hurryphrasemoving quickly, having no time
contact detailsphraseinformation required to contact someone, i.e. telephone number, email address
slip my mindphrasebeen forgotten
terrible withphrasebad at

Supplementary Vocabulary

around therephraseclose to there
to recognizeprinciple verb, imperativeto know and remember someone or something you have seen before
acquaintanceprinciple verb, imperativesomeone you know, but who is not a close friend
in a rushphrasemove quickly, not have much time
forgetfulAdjectiveforgetting things easily

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